
news December 12, 2022

Rend Al-Mondhiry Quoted in “Analysis: CBD Food Industry Unlikely to Placate FDA”

Rend Al-Mondhiry spoke with Natural Products Insider about FDA’s recent warning letters to companies regarding CBD in food and offered several key takeaways.

Rend said that “disease claims seem to be more of an afterthought in these letters. Avoiding disease claims for this [CBD food] category is not going to be enough. She further stated, “if you want to read between the lines, maybe this is FDA’s way of saying, ‘Hey, foods [are] a no-go.’ Perhaps it raises some optimism about the potential for dietary supplements.” Rend also pointed out that FDA’s vision for a regulatory framework governing CBD in dietary supplements is more stringent than the framework supported by industry.

In looking ahead to 2023, Rend discussed the fact that around 20 states permit the use of CBD in food, with certain states imposing such provisions as age restrictions, labeling rules and testing requirements, and she will be interested to see how states react to FDA’s concerns and whether it influences them.

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